Tag Archives: CXFRS

Fabric load balancer for CXF – Part 2

In part 1 we explored the possibility to use Fabric as a load balancer for multiple CXF http endpoints and had a more detailed look at how to implement the Fabric load balancing feature on a CXFRS service. In this part we will look into the client side of the load balancer feature.

In order to leverage the Fabric load balancer from a client side clients have to be “inside the Fabric” meaning they will need access to the Zookeeper registry.

When we again take a look at a diagram explaining the load balancer feature we can see clients will need to perform a lookup in the Zookeeper registry to obtain the actual endpoints of the http service.

Fabric load balancer CXF Part 1 - 1

As mentioned in part 1 there are two possibilities to accomplish this lookup in the Fabric Zookeeper registry:

As of this moment in JBoss Fuse 6.1 the fabric-http-gateway profile is not fully supported yet. So in this post we will explore the Camel proxy route.

Camel route

A Camel proxy is essentially a Camel route

A Camel proxy is essentially a Camel route which provides a protocol bridge between “regular” http and Fabric load balancing by looking up endpoints in the Fabric (Zookeeper) registry. The Camel route itself can be very straight forward, an example Camel route implementing this proxy can look like:

<camelContext id="cxfProxyContext" trace="false" xmlns="">
    <route id="cxfProxyRoute">
        <from uri="cxfrs:bean:proxyEndpoint"/>
        <log message="got proxy request"/>
        <to uri="cxfrs:bean:clientEndpoint"/>

The Fabric load balancer will be implemented on the cxfrs:bean in the Camel route.

Note the Camel route also exposes a CXFRS endpoint in the <from endpoint therefore a regular CXFRS service class and endpoint will have to be created.

The service class is the same we used in part 1 for the service itself:

package nl.rubix.cxf.fabric.ha.test;


public class Endpoint {
    public String getAssets(@PathParam("id") String id){
        return null;

The endpoint we will expose our proxy on is configured like this:

<cxf:rsServer id=<strong>"proxyEndpoint"</strong> address=<strong>"http://localhost:1234/proxy"</strong> serviceClass=<strong>"nl.rubix.cxf.fabric.proxy.test.Endpoint"</strong>/>

Implementing the Fabric load balancer

To implement the load balancer on the client side the pom has to be updated just as the server side. Next to the regular cxfrs dependencies add the fabric-cxf dependency to the pom:


And also add the fabric cxf class to the import package in the maven-bundle-plugin to add it to the OSGi manifest file:


The next step is to add the load balancer features to the Blueprint.xml (or Spring if you prefer Spring). These steps are similar to the configuration of the Fabric Load balancer on the Server side discussed in part 1.

So first add the cxf-core namespace to the Blueprint.xml.


Add an OSGi reference to the CuratorFramework OSGi service[1]:

<reference id=<strong>"curator"</strong> interface=<strong>"org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework"</strong> />

Next instantiate the load balancer bean:

Instantiate the FabricLoadBalancerFeature bean:

<bean id="fabricLoadBalancerFeature" class="io.fabric8.cxf.FabricLoadBalancerFeature">
    <property name="curator" ref="curator" />
    <property name="fabricPath" value="cxf/endpoints" />

It is important to note the value in the “fabricPath” property must contain the exact same value of the fabricPath of the service the client will invoke. This fabricPath points to the location in the Fabric Zookeeper registry where the endpoints are stored. It is the coupling between the client and service.

To register the Fabric load balancer with the cxfrs:bean used in the to endpoint (we are implementing a client so we must register the Fabric load balancer with the cxfrs bean on the client side). Extend the declaration of the cxfrsclient:

<cxf:rsClient id="clientEndpoint" address="http://dummy/url" serviceClass="nl.rubix.cxf.fabric.proxy.test.Endpoint">
        <ref component-id="fabricLoadBalancerFeature"/>

Add the Fabric load balancer feature to a cxf bus in the rsClient:

<cxf:rsClient id="clientEndpoint" address="http://dummy/url" serviceClass="nl.rubix.cxf.fabric.proxy.test.Endpoint">
        <ref component-id="fabricLoadBalancerFeature"/>

The entire Blueprint.xml for this proxy looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint xmlns=""

  <cxf:rsServer id="proxyEndpoint" address="http://localhost:1234/proxy" serviceClass="nl.rubix.cxf.fabric.proxy.test.Endpoint"/>
  <cxf:rsClient id="clientEndpoint" address="http://dummy/url" serviceClass="nl.rubix.cxf.fabric.proxy.test.Endpoint">
        <ref component-id="fabricLoadBalancerFeature"/>
  <reference id="curator" interface="org.apache.curator.framework.CuratorFramework" />

    <bean id="fabricLoadBalancerFeature" class="io.fabric8.cxf.FabricLoadBalancerFeature">
        <property name="curator" ref="curator" />
        <property name="fabricPath" value="cxf/endpoints" />
  <camelContext id="cxfProxyContext" trace="false" xmlns="">
    <route id="cxfProxyRoute">
      <from uri="cxfrs:bean:proxyEndpoint"/>
      <log message="got proxy request"/>
      <to uri="cxfrs:bean:clientEndpoint"/>


This Camel proxy will proxy request from: “http://localhost:1234/proxy” to the two instances of the CXFRS service we created in part 1 running on port “http://localhost:2345/testendpoint

When we deploy this Camel proxy in a Fabric profile and run it in a Fabric container we can test the proxy:

Fabric load balancer CXF Part 2 - 2

The response comes from the service created in part 1, but now it is accessible by our proxy endpoint.

Abstracting endpoints like this makes sense in larger Fabric environments when leveraging multiple machines hosting the Fabric containers. Clients no longer need to know the IP and port of the services they call. So scaling and migrating the services to other machines becomes much easier. For instance adding another instance of a CXFRS service on a container running on another machine, or even in the cloud no longer requires the endpoints of the clients to be updated.


For more information about CXF load balancing using Fabric:

[1] The CuratorFramework service is for communicating with the Apache Zookeeper registry used by Fabric.

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Posted by on 2015-03-16 in JBoss Fuse


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Exploring the SimpleConsumer and Default Camel CXFRS binding styles

When exposing your Camel route as a Rest service using CXFRS there has to be a translation from the CXFRS message to the Camel exchange. This translation is covered in the bindingStyle used in Camel. The Camel CXFRS component has three different binding styles:

  • SimpleConsumer
  • Default
  • Custom

In this blogpost we will explore some of the characteristics and differences between the SimpleConsumer and the Default binding styles. This will be a brief overview, so not all aspects of the binding styles will be covered in this post.

Project setup

In order to show some of the characteristics and differences between the two binding styles we will create a dummy Fuse project. The project contains 1 Camel route and exposes this route as a REST service using CXFRS.

The CXFRS class looks like this:

package nl.rubix.cxfrs.service;


public class Endpoint {
    public String getAssets(@PathParam("id") String id, @PathParam("id2") String id2){
        return null;


The Camel route looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint xmlns=""

  <cxf:rsServer id="rsServer" address="http://localhost:2345/testendpoint" serviceClass="nl.rubix.cxfrs.service.Endpoint" loggingFeatureEnabled="false" />

  <camelContext trace="false" id="blueprintContext" xmlns="">
    <route customId="true" id="cxfrs.service">
        <from uri="cxfrs:bean:rsServer?bindingStyle=Default"/>
        <log message="The message contains ${body[0]}"/>
            <json library="Jackson"/>


The first thing to note is the fact we do not have any message transformations within the route. This means the request passed to the server is simply marshalled as a JSON document and returned as a response message.

With our GET operation the bindingStyle does not affect the response message. So when using SimpleConsumer or Default binding style, the response message is the same.


This is because of two reasons: first both the default and SimpleConsumer binding styles the Camel message is populated with the raw CXFRS message, an object of type MessageContentsList. This is the behaviour of the Default binding style. However, the SimpleConsumer looks at the method signature of the method in the Endpoint class. When a single object can be identified as the body the Camel Message will be populated with this particular object. When a sigle object cannot be identified as the body the original MessageContentsList is used as the body in the Camel message. Since our GET operation uses two pathParam arguments the SimpleConsumer binding cannot decide which one of them is the body and defaults to the MessageContentsList object.

This behaviour is explained in more detail in the Camel documentation:

Another thing to note is the fact the standard Camel Type converters can handle the MessageContentsList object type and marshal it to a JSON object without any trouble or configuration.

It is even possible to use the Simple index expression on the body of the Camel message. So for example this statements:

<log message=<strong>"The message contains ${body[0]}"</strong>/>

Outputs the following: The message contains 1

When the request URL was: http://localhost:2345/testendpoint/test/1/bla

SimpleConsumer binding

To use the SimpleConsumer binding in stead of the Default binding we simply add the following property to our component URI: “bindingStyle=SimpleConsumer”

The SimpleConsumer bindingStyle provides standard behaviour regarding the mapping of the CXFRS message to a Camel Exchange and Message. It does this according the following specs (again from the Camel documentation:

“In contrast, the SimpleConsumer binding style performs the following mappings, in order to make the request data more accessible to you within the Camel Message:

  • JAX-RS Parameters (@HeaderParam, @QueryParam, etc.) are injected as IN message headers. The header name matches the value of the annotation.
  • The request entity (POJO or other type) becomes the IN message body. If a single entity cannot be identified in the JAX-RS method signature, it falls back to the original MessageContentsList.
  • Binary @Multipart body parts become IN message attachments, supporting DataHandler, InputStream, DataSource and CXF’s Attachment class.
  • Non-binary @Multipart body parts are mapped as IN message headers. The header name matches the Body Part name.

Additionally, the following rules apply to the Response mapping:

  • If the message body type is different to (user-built response), a new Response is created and the message body is set as the entity (so long it’s not null). The response status code is taken from the Exchange.HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE header, or defaults to 200 OK if not present.
  • If the message body type is equal to, it means that the user has built a custom response, and therefore it is respected and it becomes the final response.

In all cases, Camel headers permitted by custom or default HeaderFilterStrategy are added to the HTTP response.”

This means the path parameters in our request are accessible as Camel headers on the exchange.

So we can access the id parameter using this expression:

<log message=<strong>"The message contains ${}"</strong>/>

In our simple example using a GET with just two path parameters it might seem a bit trivial to use the SimpleConsumer binding over the Default. However when method signatures become more complex the SimpleConsumer binding provides very usefull functionality and can save time mapping the CXFRS MessageContentsList message manually.

Default Binding

The Default binding is, as the name suggests, the default J so no additional configuration on the component is required. However to be more verbose, one can add the bindingStyle=Default to the URI.

The Default binding style always populates the Camel message body with the CXFRS MessageContentsList object. As we have seen above we can use the Camel Simple list expressions to retrieve values from this MessageContentsList. And this can be a quick way to access values where the options are limited. However, when using more complex method signatures in your CXFRS methods this can become quite cumbersome. Especially when the values in the method signature are more exotic Java Objects.

The most common way for using the Default binding is to implement a custom Camel processor to perform the mapping manually.

For this post a sample processor is created which concatenates both values from the path parameters. The processor looks like this:

package nl.rubix.cxfrs.service;

import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
import org.apache.camel.Processor;
import org.apache.cxf.message.MessageContentsList;

public class MyCustomProcessor implements Processor{

    public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
        // retrieve the MessageContentsList object from the Camel exchange
        MessageContentsList cxfMessage = exchange.getIn().getBody(MessageContentsList.class);
        // The new body message will be a simple String which holds the concatenated values of the MessageContentsList
        String camelBody = cxfMessage.get(0).toString() + "-" + cxfMessage.get(1).toString();


To use this processor in our Camel Route the route is modified and now looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint xmlns=""

  <cxf:rsServer id="rsServer" address="http://localhost:2345/testendpoint" serviceClass="nl.rubix.cxfrs.service.Endpoint" loggingFeatureEnabled="false" />
  <bean id="myCustomProcessor" class="nl.rubix.cxfrs.service.MyCustomProcessor"/>

  <camelContext trace="false" id="blueprintContext" xmlns="">
    <route customId="true" id="cxfrs.service">
        <from uri="cxfrs:bean:rsServer?bindingStyle=Default"/>
        <bean ref="myCustomProcessor"/>
        <log message="The message contains ${body}"/>
            <json library="Jackson"/>


The log statements now outputs: The message contains 1-bla

A more extensive example using the SimpleConsumer

As mentioned above when using a very simplistic call containing only two path parameters handling the CXFRS message is quite simple using Camel, regardless of the binding type used. However when dealing with more complex scenarios the SimpleConsumer definitely can save time and effort.

When we add a POST method to our Endpoint class and add the request message to the signature the SimpleConsumer maps the request body in the POST to the Camel message body.

The Endpoint class looks like this:

package nl.rubix.cxfrs.service;


public class Endpoint {
    public String getAssets(@PathParam("id") String id, @PathParam("id2") String id2){
        return null;

    public String doPost(String request, @PathParam("id") String id, @PathParam("id2") String id2){
        return null;

Note the String request parameter in our doPost method.

Using SoapUI to send the POST request to the endpoint:

simple_vs_default_binding_2When we modify our Camel route to log both the body and headers we get the following result in our log:

INFO The message body contains [“test”,”request”]

INFO The message headers contains {id=1, CamelAcceptContentType=*/*, User-Agent=Apache-HttpClient/4.1.1 (java 1.5), connection=keep-alive, CamelHttpCharacterEncoding=ISO-8859-1, CamelCxfRsOperationResourceInfoStack=[org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.model.MethodInvocationInfo@2637df06], id2=bla, Host=localhost:2345, CamelCxfRsResponseClass=class java.lang.String, CamelHttpMethod=POST, CamelHttpUri=/testendpoint/test/1/bla, content-type=application/json, CamelCxfRsResponseGenericType=class java.lang.String, accept-encoding=gzip,deflate, operationName=doPost, breadcrumbId=ID-localhost-localdomain-37504-1423222735361-0-1, CamelHttpPath=/test/1/bla, Content-Length=18, CamelCxfMessage=org.apache.cxf.message.XMLMessage@319f9d1d}

As we can see the SimpleConsumer adds all http headers to the Camel headers, but also creates Camel exchange headers for the PathParam parameters we defined in our method signature (displayed in bold).

For reference our Camel route looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint xmlns=""

  <cxf:rsServer id="rsServer" address="http://localhost:2345/testendpoint" serviceClass="nl.rubix.cxfrs.service.Endpoint" loggingFeatureEnabled="false" />

  <camelContext trace="false" id="blueprintContext" xmlns="">
    <route customId="true" id="cxfrs.service">
        <from uri="cxfrs:bean:rsServer?bindingStyle=SimpleConsumer"/>
        <log message="The message body contains ${body}"/>
        <log message="The message headers contains ${headers}"/>
            <json library="Jackson"/>


The SimpleConsumer binding style provides a lot of ease when consuming REST messages from Camel and can be a real time saver. Especially when dealing with (even slightly) more complex REST messages.

A note on the Custom binding

Although the Custom binding is not covered in detail in this post the third bindingStyle option is to create a Custom binding and use this in your Camel Route. Creating a Custom binding is often not required, as the simple of default binding style showed above usually provide the desired functionality. However, the option does exist to create a custom binding. To implement a Custom binding create a new class implementing the org.apache.camel.component.cxf.jaxrs.CxfRsBinding interface. This class can be added to the Spring or Blueprint context by instantiating it as a bean. As a final step the custom binding can be used in the URI of the Camel CXFRS component by adding the bindingStyle=Custom&binding=#myBinding


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Posted by on 2015-02-06 in JBoss Fuse


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Implementing a CXFRS client in JBoss Fuse

Apache CXF is a part of JBoss Fuse, so is Apache Camel. In this blog post we are going to implement a rest client in CXFRS and Camel. Note, you can also implement a rest client using JAX-RS directly, but in this blog post we are using the CXFRS framework.

For this example we are going to implement a client for the public rest api:

From the freegeoip website:

“The HTTP API takes GET requests in the following schema:{format}/{IP_or_hostname}
Supported formats are: csv, xml, json and jsonp. If no IP or hostname is provided, then your own IP is looked up. ”

To create the CXFRS client endpoint and the Camel route using it we will have to complete the following steps.

  1. Add Maven dependencies to the Pom file
  2. Implement the CXFRS client proxy
  3. setup a CxfRsClient Endpoint in Camel
  4. Create a custom processor for formatting the CXFRS request
  5. Create a Camel route to call the CXFRS endpoint

Add Maven dependencies

Assuming you start out with a Camel or Fuse project the following dependencies should be added to the POM file:


Implement the CXFRS client proxy

The Camel CXFRS components can either use the CXFRS client proxy API or the HTTP API. When using the entire http request needs to be created in Camel. This option is basically the same as the http component in Camel. Therefore in this post we are going to implement the CXFRS client proxy API.

More information on the CXFRS client proxy API can be found on the CXF website:

To implement the client proxy create a new Java interface (a class will work as well) but since the client proxy is only using empty methods an interface will be fine.

The name of the class/interface can be whatever you want, but since we are making a client for freegeoip I called the interface freegeoip.

public interface Freegeoip {

Next we need to annotate the interface with the Path annotation, the value of the path annotation will correspond to the path after the root url. The value “/” corresponds with the root, so with:

Next we need to add a method for specific request we want to implement. Note, you can add as many methods as you want, and if the rest API you want to call actually supports them of cource 😉
In our example we need to implement the API call of freegeoip:{format}/{IP_or_hostname}
To do this add a method to our interface, again the name of the method can be whatever you like, here I chose “getGeoip”:

public String getGeoip(@PathParam("type") String type, @PathParam("ip") String ip);

The method is annotaded with the rest http operation it uses, in our example GET. Again with a Path corresponding to the specific path of that particular request. Note that we are using variables in the path value: type and ip. The last annotation we use is the response we expect back from the rest API. In this example both XML and JSON.

Next is the method signature, note the parameters of the method are also annotated with the PathParam annotation. The values of the PathParam annotations corresponds with the values of the variables in the Path annotation. This means the arguments of the methods will be bound to the variables of the path when making the request.

The entire java interface looks like this:

package nl.rubix.cxfrs.test.endpoint;


public interface Freegeoip {

	@Produces({MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON, MediaType.APPLICATION_XML })
	public String getGeoip(@PathParam("type") String type, @PathParam("ip") String ip);


setup a CxfRsClient Endpoint in Camel

To setup the endpoint create a new Camel context xml file. You can use either Spring of Blueprint, although the configuration differs slightly. In this example I am using Blueprint.

The first thing we need to do is to add the CXF namespace to the Blueprint xml:


This enables the CXF options in the Blueprint xml. So now a CxfRsClient can be created. Add this client to the Blueprint XML (outside the CamelContext):

<cxf:rsClient id="rsClient" address="" serviceClass="nl.rubix.cxfrs.test.endpoint.Freegeoip" loggingFeatureEnabled="true"/>

The request to the CXF Client API has some specific requirements. To implement these requirements we use a custom processor. To create a custom processor create a new Java class implementing the Processor interface. Inside the processor we do three things: set the exchange pattern to inOut; setting some CXF headers; create the request object expected by CXF.
The argument of the process method is the exchange object (this method is required when implementing the Processor interface). So manipulating the exchange pattern and headers is quite straightforward. To set the exchange pattern to inOut:


Next we need tot set the message header to state the operation name we want to call. This operation name corresponds with the method name of our Client Proxy API. We also want to use the Client proxy API in stead of the HTTP API (see above).
To set these headers add the following statements to the processor:

// set the operation name
inMessage.setHeader(CxfConstants.OPERATION_NAME, "getGeoip");
// using the proxy client API
inMessage.setHeader(CxfConstants.CAMEL_CXF_RS_USING_HTTP_API, Boolean.FALSE);

Now all the headers and exchange properties are set properly we move our attention to the message body. By default CXFRS expects the request to be of the type, org.apache.cxf.message.MessageContentsList and although this can be change by creating a custom binding in this post we are going to stick with the MessageContentsList type.

The MessageContentsList is a name value pair type and should contain (in order) the arguments of the method in our Client Proxy API. The method signature of our Client Proxy API looks like this:

public String getGeoip(@PathParam("type") String type, @PathParam("ip") String ip);

So we need to add two Strings to our MessageContentsList: type and ip.
To do this add the following code to the process method:

String ip = inMessage.getBody(String.class);
String type = inMessage.getHeader("type",String.class);
MessageContentsList req = new MessageContentsList();

In our example we get the ip address from the message body and the type out of a header. These values we will set when we implement our Camel route. It is likely that in a normal situation more than one field will be present in the body as some sort of type and a more sophisticated data mapping has to be implemented. However, in this example we are keeping it simple with a one-to-one mapping of the request body to one of the entries in the MessageContentsList.
The entire processor class looks like this:

package nl.rubix.cxfrs.test.transform;

import org.apache.camel.Exchange;
import org.apache.camel.ExchangePattern;
import org.apache.camel.Message;
import org.apache.camel.Processor;
import org.apache.camel.component.cxf.common.message.CxfConstants;
import org.apache.cxf.message.MessageContentsList;

public class RequestProcessor implements Processor{
	public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
	        Message inMessage = exchange.getIn();
	        // set the operation name
	        inMessage.setHeader(CxfConstants.OPERATION_NAME, "getGeoip");
	        // using the proxy client API
	        inMessage.setHeader(CxfConstants.CAMEL_CXF_RS_USING_HTTP_API, Boolean.FALSE);
	        //creating the request
	        String ip = inMessage.getBody(String.class);
	        String type = inMessage.getHeader("type",String.class);
	        MessageContentsList req = new MessageContentsList();


Now that our processor is finished we can implement the Camel route calling this processor and the actual REST endpoint.

Create a Camel route to call the CXFRS endpoint

We already created the Camel context and added the CXFRS endpoint to it in the step: “setup a CxfRsClient Endpoint in Camel” now we can implement the Camel route using the CxfRsClient endpoint and the processor we created earlier.
To start off the route we will just use the timer component so our route starts off automatically.

<from uri="timer://foo?period=5000"/>

Next up we need to prepare the request, so we need to set the header “type” containing either xml or json. And we need to set the body to the ip address we want to lookup in the REST API (note: I changed my personal ip address to

<setHeader headerName="type">

Now that the request body and header are set in the Camel route we can call the processor we created in the previous step. (normally these values would not be hardcoded off course 😉 )
To call our processor we first need to declare this processor as a bean in our Blueprint xml. So outside the CamelContext xml tags add the bean declaration:

<bean id="requestProcessor" class="nl.rubix.cxfrs.test.transform.RequestProcessor"/>

After our bean is declared inside the Camel route call the processor:

<process ref="requestProcessor"/>

Now everything is setup properly to make the call to our CxFRsClientEndpoint:

<to uri="cxfrs:bean:rsClient"/>

The entire Blueprint xml file looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<blueprint xmlns=""
       <bean id="requestProcessor" class="nl.rubix.cxfrs.test.transform.RequestProcessor"/>

  <camelContext trace="false" xmlns="">
        <from uri="timer://foo?period=5000"/>
        <log message="Starting Route with client proxy api"/>
        <setHeader headerName="type">
        <process ref="requestProcessor"/>
        <to uri="cxfrs:bean:rsClient"/>
        <log message="${body}"/>

<cxf:rsClient id="rsClient" address="" serviceClass="nl.rubix.cxfrs.test.endpoint.Freegeoip" loggingFeatureEnabled="true"/>

Now when we run the route we see our log message (again I changed my personal ip and the coordinates in the response message to 0s):

[mel-2) thread #1 - timer://foo] LoggingOutInterceptor          INFO  Outbound Message
ID: 1
Http-Method: GET
Content-Type: application/xml
Headers: {Content-Type=[application/xml], Accept=[application/json, application/xml]}
[mel-2) thread #1 - timer://foo] LoggingInInterceptor           INFO  Inbound Message
ID: 1
Response-Code: 200
Encoding: ISO-8859-1
Content-Type: application/xml
Headers: {Access-Control-Allow-Method=[GET, HEAD, OPTIONS], Access-Control-Allow-Origin=[*], connection=[keep-alive], Content-Length=[367], content-type=[application/xml], Date=[Mon, 01 Dec 2014 11:11:05 GMT], Server=[nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu)], X-Database-Date=[Wed, 26 Nov 2014 13:21:26 GMT]}
Payload: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

And when we change the header type to json:

D: 1
Http-Method: GET
Content-Type: application/xml
Headers: {Content-Type=[application/xml], Accept=[application/json, application/xml]}
[mel-2) thread #1 - timer://foo] LoggingInInterceptor           INFO  Inbound Message
ID: 1
Response-Code: 200
Encoding: ISO-8859-1
Content-Type: application/json
Headers: {Access-Control-Allow-Method=[GET, HEAD, OPTIONS], Access-Control-Allow-Origin=[*], connection=[keep-alive], Content-Length=[208], content-type=[application/json], Date=[Mon, 01 Dec 2014 11:16:03 GMT], Server=[nginx/1.4.6 (Ubuntu)], X-Database-Date=[Wed, 26 Nov 2014 13:21:26 GMT]}
Payload: {"ip":"","country_code":"NL","country_name":"Netherlands","region_code":"","region_name":"","city":"","zip_code":"","time_zone":"Europe/Amsterdam","latitude":0.0,"longitude":0.0,"metro_code":0}

Posted by on 2014-12-01 in JBoss Fuse


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